仪器简介: 适用于聚丙烯盐酸类高吸收性树脂及粉尘堆积密度的测定,参照GB/T 22875-2008的规定。 This device is suitable for the determination of high absorptive resin and powder packing density in polypropyle
适用于聚丙烯盐酸类高吸收性树脂及粉尘堆积密度的测定,参照GB/T 22875-2008的规定。
This device is suitable for the determination of high absorptive resin and powder packing density in polypropylene hydrochloric acid, which conforms to the national standard GB/T 22875-2008.The test method is similar to the international related standards requirement 技术参数:
1.不锈钢漏斗容量大于120ml,且带有孔氏阻尼或挡板,底口内径10±0.01mm, 角度40°;
The volume of SS funnel is greater than 120ml, and with hole damping or baffle, the inner diameter of bottom outlet is 10±0.01mm,angle 40°.
The distance between the bottom of funnel and the top of cup is 40mm±1mm.
Density cup: stainless steel, volume 100±0.5cm3.
The funnel bracket and the bottom plate are positioned.
Equipment: level, steel ruler, brush, manual, warranty card, certificate.